A Word to New Mexico

By Chad Taylor


"When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue fails for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water…" (Isaiah 41:17-18).

For in this hour the least shall be the greatest and the low shall be made high. I will make the high places low and the low places high. For in you New Mexico is an incorruptible seed, a holy seed, a seed your forefathers prophesied of. For in you is a seed of destiny and truth, I have set you aside for such a time as this. For I will call you Esther in this hour, you will stand before kings and declare the heart of the Lord.

A smoke of intercession shall arise from your midst and cover the land. For I have called you to stand in the gap, to make up a hedge between Me and the land. You will stand between two sides, a nation divided and cry, "Peace! Peace!" You will be the balance when the hearts of many have turned aside. A peacemaker and a repairer of the breach. You will stand in the gap and pray Isaiah 61 in this hour. You will raise up the desolation of many generations, you will prepare the way of the Lord.

New Mexico, you will be a bridge of revival between two nations. A cross pollination will occur that will impact generations to come. ‘Ask of Me, and I will give the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.’ I will give you the land. For the hour of recompense has come, the hour of restitution, the hour I will restore what the locust have devoured. For the curse of poverty is lifting from your providences and cities, a new day is dawning upon you and you will eat the fruit of it says the Lord. You will eat the fruit of it.

I will put a new song in the hearts of your children. The sound of dancing and singing will be heard in the streets. The fatted calf will be slain as the prodigal and the lost come home. I will give the oil of joy for mourning and the garments of praise for heaviness. I will give your children beauty for ashes, I will create in them a clean heart and restore to them the joy of their salvation says the Lord.

An alliance shall take place to your East and to you West. A partnership for harvest and revival will occur. You will cry out to your brother in the other boat, "Come help us take in this great catch!" Harvest will bring forth a unity where human effort has failed and the walls that have separated and divided for generations will now crumble and fall. See if I will not do this and more in this hour says the Lord! See if I will not pour out My Spirit on all flesh! See if your sons and daughters will not prophesy! Watch and see says the Lord, I will do above and beyond what you can think or ask, and I will give the first and latter rain. A season of great harvest is upon you O New Mexico. A great season of harvest is upon you.


Chad Taylor
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Lamentations 2:19