Changing Paradigms & Re-digging Wells: Preparing for Revival and Beyond...


Lance Wallnau, James Berkley, Chad Taylor, Lori Hankins and so many others set a standard for the South that we cannot ignore.  Change is inevitable in revival and reformation.  The future will be marked by those that will change and those that will not.  One will move forward the other will move backward.  There is no middle ground.  Forward is the future and backward is what is comfortable and convenient.  Which road will we choose? 



The vision was cast during this event.  We have a world to win and their is divine strategies God is downloading currently to make this possible.  Lance talked about the seven "mountains" that rule the minds of the nations.  Some of those are "arts and entertainment", "business", "family", "governments", "sports", etc.  If we capture them we capture the people.  The Passion movie was a grand example of holy invasion into a secular arena.  It is only the beginning to a righteous invasion into every genre of human existence.  We cannot afford to simply orbit within the context of current Christian experience and ignore the massive opportunities that are looming ahead of us as the Church.  It is time to step from the porch of religion into the vast expanse of humanity around us and demonstrate His love and power.   Those that attended are doing just that!

Dates to be announced for next rally in Thomasville, GA.

We will again confront the centuries of cultural conditioning that has produced a land slide of indifference and apathy.  The phenomena weaving itself through the South called the "The Black Belt."  The black belt is a demographic region of counties with the highest poverty levels in the U.S. that stretches through 11 states and as far West as Texas.  This "black belt" must be broken.  The only way to do that is to experience genuine revival which is a radical and even spiritually violent changing paradigm.  We experienced the beginning of this shift as we met in May and heard the heart of God for His people.  The gun of grace has went off over the southern states and we must meet Him in the fields and harvest!

Our objective is the same: To expose the Southern Church to an apostolic and prophetic experience that will have the power to shake the foundations and re-align Her into God's perfect will; Liberty, unity and life changing revival that results in salvations, healing, and epic change in the region known as "The Black Belt".  Our assembly of speakers will be just that - radical and uncompromising teachers and ministers that can help us re-think our paradigm and open us up to an entirely different world in the South!  Each day will be marked by extended worship and prophetic encounters followed by inspired teaching

Mike McClung Mike McClung is the Pastor of Lionheart Fellowship in Alcoa, TN. located southeast of Knoxville, TN. Mike planted Lionheart Fellowship in 1996 after working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for 18 years as a chemist. Mike has pastored three other churches, and is also the director of the Greater Knoxville Area House of Prayer, which currently operates two days per week and is working toward establishing 24-hour, seven day-per-week intercessory worship. Mike also serves on the Servant Leadership Team of the Greater Knoxville Area Prayer/Unity Movement, which is helping to coordinate prayer and Body-wide unity in East TN.

James Berkley will be returning also.  James is also one of the founding leaders of International Apostolic Minstries.  James teaches, "New wineskins (structures) are necessary for the New Wine of the New Millennium. The way we do church is about to change in a radical way. We are about to see the prayer of Jesus come to pass (John 17:21). He prayed, "Father make them one as You and I are one, so the world may believe...".  James and his wife Kathy are also revivalists as well as church planters. They are presently pastoring a local congregation, and building a city-wide church, in Marysville, Washington called Judah Praise Center. 

Chad Taylor has been called, "a burning fiery lamp in the wilderness of today’s religious systems..."  "A man of God who 'is' in the harvest fields today ministering Jesus to a lost and needy world..."  He not only preaches about the harvest, he also has the ability to mobilize the church into the harvest. His testimony and lifestyle are contagious. He will affect anyone who comes near with a passion for the Lord and for souls.  Chad does not bring a text-book reality of revival, he brings experiential proof that revival is relevant today and within reach of all of us.  Chad and his wife Misty currently live in the South and are experiencing a move of God there.

After on open vision of Heaven similar to Jacob and his "ladder to Heaven" Lori Hankins was compelled to lead the church into prophetic song and worship.  Moving outside contemporary patterns her passion is to see His people truly come to knowledge of Him.  Lori and her husband Rollin have been overseas and carry a genuine anointing for the harvest and to see the church walking in it.  Lori is also the author of a new and powerful book, THE REMNANT.  Lori and her husband live in Moravian Falls, NC and attend Morning Star Fellowship.

Here are the Logistics of the Meetings:


  • For more information contact us at or call us at (229)-672-1008.  We need partners that can help us secure a location and enable us to continue to open our doors to everyone.  If you can help please hit the "make a donation" button and you can use your check or credit card.  You do not have to have a Paypal membership to donate.